Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Michael Jackson 'predicted coronavirus and that's why he wore a facemask'

Michael Jackson 's former bodyguard claims he always wore a facemask because he predicted coronavirus.

The King of Pop, who tragically died in 2009 aged 50, is said to have foreseen a global virus pandemic like the one going on right now.

And his ex-bodyguard Matt Fiddes says that's why he always wore a facemask despite being mocked for it.

Brit Matt, who looked after the singer for a decade, said that while Michael was travelling the globe on tour, he realised that there was potential for a virus like COVID-19 to spread, and therefore took measures to prevent himself from ever catching it.

 The 41-year-old told The Sun : "He knew that a natural disaster was always there. He was very aware and would always predict that we could be wiped out at any time. That a germ that could spread.

"So he would go through four countries in one day sometimes and he was on aeroplanes with people all the time."

Matt said he'd jokingly ask Michael not to wear the facemask because he was embarrassed about being pictured with him when he was wearing it.

He added: "He would say, 'Matt I can’t get ill, I can’t let my fans down. I’ve got concerts coming up. I’m on this earth for a reason. I mustn’t damage my voice, I’ve got to stay healthy, I don’t know who I’m going to encounter today, I don’t know what I might pass on'."

Matt says that if Michael were alive today he'd tell people "I told you so".

He also said the star would be frustrated that nobody was listening to him because "people didn't take him seriously".

Matt also insisted that Michael wasn't a germophobe, and simply wanted to protect his voice so that he never disappointed his fans.

The coronavirus pandemic has claimed hundreds of lives in the UK and thousands around the world.

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